Jad Abumrad & Anna Sale In Conversation
The 2022 Audio Vanguard Award was awarded to Jad Abumrad, creator of 'Radiolab.' In this interview with Anna Sale (creator and host of Death, Sex & Money) we celebrate Abumrad's remarkable career. Hear all about the early years of Radiolab, and how Jad and his team navigated creative challenges and transitions to make one of the most well known audio programs of our day.
At the end of the interview, cake was distributed to the audience, who stood to sing "Happy Birthday" to Radiolab on the occasion of its 20th anniversary.
Mentioned in this episode:
The First Radiolab
On the Media with Brooke Gladstone
This American Life
NPR News
Robert Krulwich, former Radiolab co-host
Ellen Horne, former Radiolab producer
More Perfect, a Radiolab spinoff
Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl, the Supreme Court case which inspired the first More Perfect story story
Joe Frank's audio drama, Rent-A-Family
Radiolab's episode on Stress, featuring Robert Sapolsky
Jad's rec: The Mantis Shrimp choir from the Colors episode of Radiolab